tl;dr: here’s the link to the form for the prediction contest. prizes will be a pizza party in honor of the winner, swag from our soon-to-come merch shop, and free year-long subscriptions to willets pen. exactly how big the prize pool is depends on how many people join the contest, and how many subscribers we get out this blatant attempt to draw you into our orbit before we’ve had a chance to convince you with our content to stick around. again, here’s the link to the pool.
We’re still a few days from the rescheduled opener, which has given us time to learn that Jacob deGrom is picking up right where he left off last season (injured and not even throwing for the next four weeks), while Max Scherzer is dealing with a hamstring issue that definitely won’t result in his leg being amputated.
If you’re a Mets fan (you don’t have to be one to be here, but that’s our primary audience), this is all too familiar. It might make you feel like even though nobody can truly see the future, you already know what’s coming.
Good news, then. As we’re busy here getting our footing, we’ve got a great way to spend a bit of time: Willets Pen’s 2022 MLB Prediction Pool. Just click that link, and you’ll be on your way to further disappointment (maybe not!) as you pick whether each of the teams in MLB will go over or under its bookie-projected season wins total, who will lead their leagues in the Triple Crown categories, and more about the upcoming season.
It’s free to enter, of course, and there will be some very cool prizes. Exactly what the prizes are will depend partially on how many folks enter by opening day, but there will be subscription giveaways and Willets Pen merch for sure, and we’ll come up with more. Much like the site itself (and now we have sign-up perks available through our ebook preorder site), we’re asking you to trust us and get in for the ride, because while we don’t have all the details on day one, we know it’ll be good.
As for other predictions… if we were better at that, we’d be making our money on sports gambling instead of starting an ebook project and Substack. So, come on into the pool, see if you can do better than us, and let’s have some fun all summer!
Once again, here’s the link to enter the prediction contest. Good luck, and thanks for checking out Willets Pen!
Entries will close at the end of opening day (April 7). The form does collect your emails, but the only time that we email you will be when there are updates (such as if anyone correctly identifies the first manager fired). There will also be a midseason pace report. And we’ll notify you about future contests. And, of course, if you want, go ahead and subscribe to our little ol’ website. It don’t cost nothin’ (for the first 7 days thanks to our free trial offer).