Willets Pen
Casual Diehard
We Can Pod It Out 161: Maxwell's Silver Hammer

We Can Pod It Out 161: Maxwell's Silver Hammer

Maxwell Martin Scherzer is now a Texas Ranger

We just went over this when the Mets traded 38-year-old David Robertson. So, we know that Max Scherzer joins Gil Hodges and Frank Tanana as players the Mets traded after they turned 39. Seems likely that Scherzer plays more than the three more combined games in his career that Hodges and Tanana did. We’ll see how it goes, and what happens with any further Mets trades before Tuesday’s 6 p.m. deadline…

Willets Pen
Casual Diehard
Friends talking sports, having a good time and trying not to let it damage our already perilous mental health.